Optimizing Your Brand’s Internet Presence: A Brief Guide to Organic Social Media Tactics

picture of a phone with social media icons on it's screen

Authentic Audience Reach: Organic Social Media Tactics: Photo Courtesy of Adam Ay on Unsplash

What is the Purpose of Social Media Tactics

Social media tactics are the actions your brand takes to accomplish its goals and SMART objectives in your social media strategy.

These tactics also help communicate key messages to your target audience. The main goal is to use these tactics to connect with your audience and turn them into loyal customers.

What is an ‘Organic’ Social Media Tactic?

‘Organic’ Social Media tactics use unpaid content to reach a specific audience without the need to make payments to social media platforms or influencers.

9 Examples of Organic Tactics  

1. Posts with images

2. Video Posts

3. Stories

4. Hashtags                                                   

5. Engagement 

6. Blogging  

7. Content Curation

8. Groups

9. Social Media Optimisation

Screenshot from Duolingo's Instagram of a funny meme they posted

Example of a Brand Post with an Image: Photo Courtesy of Duolingo on Instagram

Is an Organic Tactic Right for Your Strategy? The Pro’s and Con’s


• Using organic tactics with high quality content on your brand’s social media platforms lets your audience know you care about them. This great content builds trust and reveals your brand personality.

• It's a budget-friendly approach, which is helpful for brands with limited resources (e.g., start-ups), and it allows your audience to engage or disengage with your content whenever they choose. 

Overall, it's a friendly and effective way to connect with your audience.


• Organic social media tactics, even though they can save you money, might not reach as many people as paid ones. 

• To get noticed in the crowded online world, you need really good content, and that can take up a lot of your time and effort.

In conclusion, reaching a wider audience and gaining more interaction through organic tactics can be tough but worth it in the end.

A red and blue neon sign in the shape of a social media notification

Social Media Notification Shaped Neon Sign: Photo Courtesy of Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

With this new knowledge, you can try using organic tactics in your brand’s social media plan. While not the only tactics you should use, they can enhance customer-brand relationships without requiring a huge budget.

For questions about organic tactics or other digital marketing topics, feel free to reach out to me!


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